Questions & Answers
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Can you take the pylopass along side to help get rid of h pylori as well as doing the detox ? I need to detox I have extreme brain fog dizzyness generally not feeling right but scans show nothing up I have a lot of mercury tooth fillings and have been struggling to get rid of h pylori with the antibiotics protocols over and over again it is resistant strain for over the last 15 yrs . recent endoscopy confirmed h pylori infection still and inflammation . Which of your items do you recommend for both the eradication and the detox of heavy metals detox do need to buy additional for maintenance or just do a detox yearly etc
Yes, you can take Pylopass as the L. reuteri DSM 17648 works independently from Toxaprevent to bind to the specific stomach bacteria. We would recommend to following our protocol specific for the stomach bacteria first and then once you complete this, then start the heavy metal detox protocol.
Does my size or weight matter? I am on a carnivore diet and do not eat vegetables. Does that matter?
No, you can take the full dosage of Toxaprevent regardless of your size and weight. Nope, diet does not matter with Toxaprevent, it is designed to detox toxins that we inhale and ingest both from food and in our environment.
I’m on a double dose of Zyrtec and Pepsin. Can I take this while on these medications?
Yes, you can take follow the Toxaprevent Heavy Metal Detox Protocol whilst being on medication. If you please reach out to our team: info@nouveauhealthcare.com and we will help build out the protocol.
What if you have mercury fillings ? Can this still be used or will it cause more harm than good?
You can use Toxaprevent for a heavy metal detox regardless of fillings. It will not bind to the amalgam, but it will bind to any vapours that are released. Toxaprevent has shown that within three months it will reduce heavy metals in the body, we recommend following the heavy metal detox protocol for the full three months, and then after this picking one of the Toxaprevent products and continuing for a further three months.
I'm suffering from brain related symptoms after I got my amalgam fillings unsafely removed. I wanted to use Toxaprevent and follow this heavy metal detox protocol but now I see that it only works in the colon and intestines but in my case the mercury is mostly concentrated in my brain. Can Toxaprevent still be helpful in detoxing stored heavy metals?
Yes, Toxaprevent will remove heavy metals from the entire body, but it does this in the right and, most importantly, safe way, ensuring the heavy metals and other toxins are actually removed from the body.
Toxaprevent does this in two ways. First, the Zeolite Clinoptilolite MANC, the active ingredient in all Toxaprevent products, emits an electromagnetic charge. Though the particle is too large to pass through the gut barrier, it can still pull positively charged toxins from the blood vessels surrounding the entire digestive tract. So, as it travels through the gut, it will indeed bind to any circulating toxins, including heavy metals.
Secondly, through the portal vein and enterohepatic circulation. Toxaprevent will bind to the daily burden of toxins. Hence you will notice all of our Toxaprevent Protocols are designed to be used daily. As these toxins are removed in the gut when the portal vein pulls the blood from the intestines into the kidneys to be processed. This blood contains all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals from our food/supplements but also contains the toxins. Fortunately, because Toxaprevent has already mopped these toxins, the liver and kidneys are given room to ‘breathe’. Therefore, this allows the body to begin detoxing stored toxins, and the metabolic organs can then begin putting these back into circulation as the liver, kidneys, and digestive system are ready and can begin processing unwanted toxins from the body. These stored toxins are put back into circulation and will be put into the digestive tract via the bile that aids in digestion. As you will be taking Toxaprevent Daily, when the bile enters the digestive system, Toxaprevent will mop these heavy metals and toxins up, preventing them from being reabsorbed by the colon.
The toxins alongside Toxaprevent will then leave the body when you pass your bowel movement. Therefore, Toxaprevent does indeed remove stored toxins from the body, but it does this not only safely but in the right way.
Toxaprevent has been designed to stay in the gut because it is unsafe for any binder to enter the liver, kidneys or bloodstream as these types of nano-zeolites or Zeolites with smaller particles have no evidence or proof that they ever leave the body, meaning they could accumulate and move the toxins to another part of the body. This is why Toxaprevent has been classified as a medical device since 2006 and is the world’s safest, proven and most effective Zeolite Clinoptilolite!
Can your symptoms get worse before they get better ? I now cannot sleep or rest for the twitching and internal vibrations. Been on heavy metal detox 2 weeks. Any advice would be super helpful?
Hey, this is a good question. It can, we have seen this in the past with clients heavy metals rising as stored metals in fat and muscles begin to be released as the liver, kidneys and body are seeing that the body is trying to remove these toxins. If this is happening, it is a good sign and means you are on the steps for recovery! Between 4-6 weeks we see a big reduction and symptoms with the full benefits felt after 12 weeks of following the heavy metal detox protocol. It's tough, we know but you will get better!