About Nouveau Healthcare
Nouveau Healthcare Team
Healing Histamine is a journey, but it's a journey which we have made simple and, most importantly, accessible. We have spent over a decade researching, understanding and, most importantly, reversing histamine symptoms.
We started our journey because we wondered why it was called histamine intolerance. How can you be intolerant to something your body naturally produces? So, we focused on binders, in particular our first brand Toxaprevent which is the safest, cleanest and most natural form of Zeolite Clinoptilolite (pronounced 'Clin-op-til-o-lite'), which is proven to detox histamine, heavy metals, aluminium, mould, mycotoxins, aflatoxins, ochratoxins, nitrosamines and other toxins from the body (Yep, it's a long list!).
It's time to detox correctly and, most importantly, reverse your histamine symptoms.
Dilly & The NH Team a.k.a The Histamine Experts
Bridging the gap between healthcare and self-care

My Histamine Journey
It all started with Urticaria. A decade later, and I have never had a Urticaria or histamine reaction since!
Read more below 👇
2015, I started to break out in a rash. My skin was constantly on fire, with simple activities causing extreme pain and itching. Bedtime offered a little reprieve, with my sleep being interrupted throughout the night due to my constant drive to itch. Cold showers helped to soothe the inflamed skin, but it didn’t last long.
Soon enough, I found myself at the doctor’s office begging my GP for answers about what was happening to my body. He told me I had urticaria and prescribed over-the-counter antihistamines to treat my rash. Unfortunately, it didn’t help; the antihistamines made me sluggish and tired throughout the day. A back and forth to my GP’s office ensued over the next several years. I tried ointments, lotions, and medications, but some just made the itching worse because my skin would react to the ingredients. I would have some good days, but the good days started to become less and less frequent.
I was lost. A friend suggested I try a low histamine diet, which helped when I stuck to it, but honestly, food was my vice back then; a significant source of comfort that I turned to in frustration, and I quickly began to feel isolated and overwhelmed by my dietary restrictions.
Fast forward to 2016, when I met with Dr Lars Von Olleschick-Elbheim, the global partner for Froximun AG behind the Toxaprevent products. As a fledgling entrepreneur specialising in distribution and logistics, I intended to attend this meeting to discuss ground support. But, little did I know, this would be the beginning of a radical transformation of my health.
As we began speaking, Lars quickly pulled us into the world of Toxaprevent zeolite clinoptilolite, discussing its unique ability to not only bind to histamine, heavy metals, and ammonium but remove them safely through the digestive tract without interfering with other supplements and medications; and without any side effects like the usual antihistamine or steroid creams I was used to.
Lars had barely finished his sentence before I questioned him about urticaria. I figured if this Toxaprevent thing worked on histamine, it might help my skin – I was right. He looked at me in his thick German accent and said: ‘Urticaria, it is not possible when you take Toxaprevent’.
Honestly, I was sceptical. At this point, I had tried everything my GP, dermatologist, and Dr Google had prescribed, and not once was Toxaprevent mentioned. But I was desperate, so I decided to try his six-month protocol. The rest, as they say, is history. Despite being seven stone overweight, with a penchant for cheese and coffee, my urticaria was gone within two months of the Toxaprevent protocol. Like, completely GONE. My hay fever symptoms reduced, dust mites no longer affected me, and I rarely had asthma attacks. This stuff was gooooood.
From that point, Toxaprevent went from an exclusive deal to a passion project. Nowadays, I spend most of my time raising awareness on histamine and zeolite clinoptilolite to help others who’ve suffered from the same issues as myself.
We’ve since expanded, now with an in-house clinical team who share even more about the broad benefits of Toxaprevent, from eliminating bloating and Helicobacter pylori to controlling bad breath and even detoxing heavy metals. So please, if you’re on your histamine journey, or struggle with any of the conditions discussed, don’t suffer in silence. Pick up the phone or email us, and we’ll gladly listen to your concerns. I hope that you, too, can find the relief that I have.